Perhaps the most appealing quality I’ve found in working with Rabbi Daniels these past five years is her even-tempered manner. Carlie is always thoughtful, measured, and calm, a demeanor that is most welcoming in a rabbi and ideal for the teamwork and collaboration of shared sacred tasks.

She brings impressively diverse skills to our work together—in addition to warm, sensitive and inviting pastoral qualities, she possesses sharp marketing instincts, design and communications skills, and a keen sense of what people will enjoy in programming, worship and events. She knows what fun is, especially for children.

This underscores how positively people respond to her. While she developed as a leader in her associate role, heading the education adult and child of the community, and in social justice, she has immediately proven herself prepared to assume the role of acting senior rabbi and has slipped comfortably and confidently into this role.

She demonstrated her leadership of the entire community with the most recent and outstanding High Holy Days services she planned and executed flawlessly as the head of our team. Things have never run so smoothly, and the congregation noticed and remarked to it. They found her energy, ideas and approach refreshing and new, while firmly planted in the history and tradition of our innovative congregation.

My perspective is as a professional with 40 years’ experience in for-profit and nonprofit worlds—Carlie brings together deep clerical talent and outstanding general management ability. She is balanced, mature and judicious, a real find for the complex role of today’s rabbi.

— Andy Schultz, Executive Director Sukkat Shalom