Belonging: Returning to the Core of Who We Are

Belonging is one of the essential feelings that we as human beings need, we need connection, we need to feel like we belong to a group, and we need to feel certain of our place in the world. Sukkat Shalom has been a place of belonging for many of you throughout the years. And I pray that we continue on that path, with a new openness and willingness to ask questions, to embrace all the facets of our identities within this community, and strive for all stakeholders to truly feel like they belong, because they, you, and we do belong here. As we are more disconnected as a society than ever before, to know that we have the ability to offer that sense of belonging to those seeking a Jewish community is an amazing opportunity. Iā€™m not suggesting this is a new idea, per se, but I see this as our way forward. To double down on our deep roots of openness, to start new conversations around identity, to truly see each other, and to forge a deep sense of belonging.


Finding Holiness in the Broken Pieces